Something i believe that i should do before i quit breathing. I think everybody does such a list or a bunch of dreamings or plans. But most of them dont make a list such as i do. now here is the list. Actually i havent got 100 things at the moment but i will continue adding whenever something comes to my mind. Numbers are not sequential or ordered in the importance for me.
Now i have only 30 of them but i ll continue :))))
Let me start then:)
1-I should drive a Ferrari
2-I should eat mussel (midye) and kokorec (already ate)
3-I should go to Sumela Manastir in Trabzon.
4-I should go for a long sea trip.
5-I should play poker in Las Vegas
6-I want to take a cooking course in France
7-I have to watch a Fifa World Cup final game.
8-I should be at the city which olympic games occurs.
9-I should go to see New Zelland
10- I want to learn how to speak Russian
11-I want to direct a short movie.(i tried but couldnt finished)
12-I will definitely buy a VolksWagen 1303 Beetle
13-I want to take my son/daughter/nephews/nices to their first BJK match.
14-I want to watch a game at NeuCamp Stadium
15-I want to watch a English Premier League Match
16-I want to watch Godfather movie series without a break
17-I want to go to middle asia and drink Kimiz in an authentic tent.
18-I should go to Nepal.
19-I want to fire fireworks.
20-I want to drive a long vehicle.
21-I want to see a whale in the sea.
22-I want to make a mix to a song profesionally.
23-I should have an animal at my home.
24-I want to grow vegetables in my garden.
25-I want to have kids.
26-I want to have a Harley Davidson
27-I want to fish at the ocean.
28-I want to have a pair of red nickers.
29-I want to sleep 24 hours at least once.
30-I want to get married before i am 30.
30 Nisan 2008 Çarşamba
16 Nisan 2008 Çarşamba
Bir otomobilden daha fazlasi, tutkunun otomobili..
VW'in efsane olmus otomobili VW1303 olarak ta bilinen ama hemen her ulkede o ulkenin dilinde farkli bir isimle anilan "vosvos" uzerinden yillar gecsede popularitesini "en azindan tutkulu bir gurup tarafindan" korudu. Almanya ve Hollanda'da kafer, italya'da Maggiolino, ingiltere'de Beetle, Amerika'da bug ulkemizde ise tosbaa olarak anildi. Yuvarlak hatlari ve kucuk yapisiyla hep "ne kadarda sevimli" iltifatlarina mazhar olan vosvosun hikayesi oldukca ilginc aslinda. Tasarimcisi daha sonra Dunya'nin en pahali ve prestijli otomobillerinden biri olan Porsche'nin babasi Ferdinand Porsche.
Daha da ilginc bir nukte ise yillar sonra baris cocuklari yada cicek cocuklar olarak bilinen ozgurlukcu, savas karsiti akimin sembolu haline gelecek olan vosvosun yapilmasini tesvik eden kisi ise Savasin ta kendisiyle ozdeslesen Adolf Hitler. 1934 yilinda Hitler, F. Porsche ile bir araya gelerek bir halk otomobili uretmesini ister ve o gun baslayan surec bize vosvos olarak doner. Ilk uretimi 1937 yilinda baslasada VW tosbaa modeli 1939 yilindan itibaren seri uretime gecti. Tarih 1949'u gosterdiginde ise 50.000. vosvos fabrikadan cikmisti. O gunden sonra hizla yayilan bir sekilde sempati ve tutkuya donustu vosvos. Ulkemizde de bir cok hayran kulubu olan vosvosun dunyanin hemen hemen her ulkesinde hayranlari ve fanclub'lari bulunmakta. Turkiye'deki ilk vosvos kulubu olan VW Fun Club-İzmir kuruldu.
Almanya'da son vosvos 1985 yilinda uretildi ve bu son vosvos Wolfsburg'taki muzede sergileniyor. Ancak vosvos Nijerya, Brezilya, Meksika, Peru ve Uruguay’da devam etti. Yillar icinde bu fabrikalarda vosvos uretimini bitirdi. Sadece Meksika'nin Puebla sehrindeki Vosvos fabrikasi 2003 yilina kadar klasik vosvosu uretmeye devam etti. 30 Temmuz 2003 gunu 21.529.464’üncü son Vosvos Meksika'da uretilerek yine Wolfsburg'taki muzeye gonderildi.
Yillar gecsede uzerinden insanlarin ilgisini hic kaybetmeyen vos hemen hemen dunyanin her yerinde bir bayan ismiyle adlandirilir ve hep bir bayan olarak hitap edilir. Tutku'nun arabasi oldugu o kadar acik ki, soyle bir cevrenize baksaniz trafikte, diger eski otobmobillere nazaran kat be kat fazla sayida vosvosun hala yollari asindirdigini gorursunuz. Hemde kendinden yasca cok daha genc olan otomobillere gore cok daha iyi bakilmis halde.
Dedim ya tutkudur vosvos sadece araba degil..
15 Nisan 2008 Salı
Diary or blog?
I have seen this blog is turning into a diary these days. I had no expectations of being read but it is again doesn't seem right to write this way. Therefore i decided to write all those things about my mental conflicts and troubles in a generalized way. So it won't be a diary anmore and i will continue writing what i want.. Am i too clever? yeah i think i am:))))))
11 Nisan 2008 Cuma
Cengiz Han'in oglu
Cengiz Han'in buyuk oglu Cagatay simdi yasaydi ne yapardi bilemiyorum ama senin yaptigin gibi yapmazdi Cagatay. Elindekilerin kiymetini bilirmiydi bilemem cunku koskoca mogol devletinin kiymetini bildigini soyleyemem tarihsel acidan baktigimda. Ancak senin elindeki kiymet bir insana mogol imparatorlugu kadar zor gelebilecek bir kiymet ve sans bence. Simdi sira sende bir ihtimali koskoca bir imparatorluga ceviren Cengiz Han' a gore isin daha kolay emin ol:)))
la vita rinasce...
Ieri ho sentito una canzone che ha testi così.. "La vita rinasce sulle tue cicatrici". Se mi ricordo bene la canzone è Mala sirena di Modena City Ramblers. Mi ho piacuto la melodia però i testi sono più belli. Tutti, noi avevamo i cicatrici della vita. Talvolta loro vengono d'amore talvolta da pentirsi di una cosa che non si ha vissuto mai.
Chi dice non ho niente di rammarico della vita, lui assolutamente è un bugiardo. Perche tutti hanno l'emozioni ed è stata inamorati almeno una volta delle vite loro. Comunque non voglio dire che tutte le storie d'amore finiscono male però in realta il più finiscono con il delusione. Un uomo diceva che "l'amore consista un'po di sorriso ed un'po di felicita ma tutto resta sono tristezza e delusione." Penso che lui ha raggione.
Allora ma c'è una cosa che non avremo dimenticato che, la vita rinasce sulle tue cicatrici. Perchè la vita non ferma con la nostre delusione. La vita non sta fermanda per ogni cosa. Quindi dobbiamo imparare di alzare in seguito a tutte che abbiamo perso.
La vita rinasce sulle nostre cicatrici.
10 Nisan 2008 Perşembe
Ceyrek kala bitti..
Fenerli arkadaslarimla ugrasmayi cok severim. o kadar tatli sinirlenirler ve bu o kadar cabuk olur ki fener agziyla kus tutsa bile ben onlari kizdiracak bir yanini bulurum. Ve en son sambiyonlar liginde ceyrek finalde oynarken fener demistim tum fenerli arkadaslara yari finale cikin fener hakkinda tek kelime daha etmeyecegim. Sagolsun ki fenerliler beni zor durumda birakmadi ve elendiler. hani simdi feneri soyle boyle tebrik ederim aferin cocuklara diyecek degilim. hele hele milli gurur su bu laflarina hic girmeyecegim sonucta malazgirt savasindan degil bir futbol macindan bahsediyoruz. Ama kendilerine guvenleri ve iyi futbollari icin kutlamadan da gecemeyecegim. Ne demisler Sezerin hakki Sezercik'e:)))
9 Nisan 2008 Çarşamba
acikama / information / informazione
Bu blogu takip eden oldugunu dusunmuyorum ama yinede boyle bir bilgi vermek istedim. Bundan boyle bazen ingilizce bazen turkce bazende italyanca yazacagim. Bu arada baska bir dili de yazacak kadar ogrenirsem onu kullanarak ta yazarim herhalde. Bu kadar dil biliyorum gosterisinden ziyade kazanimlarimi unutmamak icin yaptigim birsey.
I dont think anyone keeps reading this blog but i again wanted to share information about this blog. From now on i will write sometimes in turkish sometimes in english and sometimes in italian. and by the way i guess if i would learn another language enough to write i will use that language to write too. This is not to show that how much language i can speak but it is to use what i learned and prevent myself to forget them in the time.
Non penso che qualcuno legga quel blog continuamente però io ancora voglio informarvi su quel blog. D'ora in avanti scriverò talvolta in ingilese talvolta in italiano ed alcuna volta in turco. Se imparessi un altra lingua che basterebbe a scrivere, scriverebbero anche con la nuova. Questa non è per farvi vedere che io posso parlare così motle lingue ma è per servirmi quella che io ho imparato e anche non dimenticarlo.
I dont think anyone keeps reading this blog but i again wanted to share information about this blog. From now on i will write sometimes in turkish sometimes in english and sometimes in italian. and by the way i guess if i would learn another language enough to write i will use that language to write too. This is not to show that how much language i can speak but it is to use what i learned and prevent myself to forget them in the time.
Non penso che qualcuno legga quel blog continuamente però io ancora voglio informarvi su quel blog. D'ora in avanti scriverò talvolta in ingilese talvolta in italiano ed alcuna volta in turco. Se imparessi un altra lingua che basterebbe a scrivere, scriverebbero anche con la nuova. Questa non è per farvi vedere che io posso parlare così motle lingue ma è per servirmi quella che io ho imparato e anche non dimenticarlo.
no mans land
Is there somewhere really no man's land? If there is a place like that i would love to be there. i know there wont be family, friends or the most important people in your life with you. But didn't we born alone and wont we die in a perfect loneliness?
I am not sure if we can stay alone just between those two end. People needs air to respirate and food to feed themselves and also water to drink basicly. But people needs to be socialized. People need to talk , need to express themselves as well.
And after all i am a person in this society. Therefore i need people around me. and love decides who will be with you in the life. Consider everyone is a driver in the world and has their own buses. You can go in different ways, you can stop anywhere you want, and you can bring anyone in your bus. Sometimes u drive with long line of buses sometimes u cant see any other vehicle around you. sometimes you drive on a highway but sometimes you drive on a larger footpath. like the life we live, sometimes everything is easy and the other times it is hard to survive. sometimes you have lots of people around you and sometimes you feel dark deepness of loneliness.
If i am a bus driver on my own way to end, i prefer to have lots of passengers who is going same destination with me and who is supporting me in this way. But sometimes someone doesnt like to be with you in this trip and you can do nothing to get them into your bus.
Sometime words doesn't have enough power to make people believe. Acts are more important then what u said after. Regret is not the medicine that cure your mistakes and the worst feeling is usually that u can't do anything but only regret.
And it is not easy to pass through like it is said in Latin proverb. "octa est fabula" which means the game has been played and over.
Everybody has a one way ticket. but some has double seat full with the most important person he thinks in the world. some has the seat has already been emptied and filled with regret.
I am not sure if we can stay alone just between those two end. People needs air to respirate and food to feed themselves and also water to drink basicly. But people needs to be socialized. People need to talk , need to express themselves as well.
And after all i am a person in this society. Therefore i need people around me. and love decides who will be with you in the life. Consider everyone is a driver in the world and has their own buses. You can go in different ways, you can stop anywhere you want, and you can bring anyone in your bus. Sometimes u drive with long line of buses sometimes u cant see any other vehicle around you. sometimes you drive on a highway but sometimes you drive on a larger footpath. like the life we live, sometimes everything is easy and the other times it is hard to survive. sometimes you have lots of people around you and sometimes you feel dark deepness of loneliness.
If i am a bus driver on my own way to end, i prefer to have lots of passengers who is going same destination with me and who is supporting me in this way. But sometimes someone doesnt like to be with you in this trip and you can do nothing to get them into your bus.
Sometime words doesn't have enough power to make people believe. Acts are more important then what u said after. Regret is not the medicine that cure your mistakes and the worst feeling is usually that u can't do anything but only regret.
And it is not easy to pass through like it is said in Latin proverb. "octa est fabula" which means the game has been played and over.
Everybody has a one way ticket. but some has double seat full with the most important person he thinks in the world. some has the seat has already been emptied and filled with regret.
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